Concert Recording
This concert features the talented musicians and performers of the Sydney Zen Centre, in the beautiful Upstairs Hall of the Annandale Community Centre.
It was a fabulous night, on October 2022, of instrumental music, poetry, storytelling and song. Irish duo “A ‘N B” (Aeveen Kirby & Brian Gutkin) delight us with folksongs old and new, highlighting Aeveen’s superb lilting voice and Brian’s talented multi-instrumentalism; Caroline Josephs enthrals with stories from many cultural heritages; Diana Levy brings her distinctive poetry and haiku with a touch of comedy; and Jane Andino (Piano) and Ann Palumbo (Double Bass & Vocals) will play a range of Jane’s classical compositions, as well as Jazz and Tango. Our guest artist Ann Palumbo is a singer, double bass player, guitarist and composer and works as both a freelance musician and with bands such as urban eXcentrics and RAPT who were known for their eclectic repertoire. She currently plays with vibrant trio Tres Amigas.
A video of the concert can be seen on Youtube Deep bow of gratitude to Andrei Shabunov for expertly recording the visuals and sound as well as editing and making the video look so wonderful! And thanks to Max Baker for putting it on Youtube.