Rohatsu Sesshin

Friday 6th to Wednesday 11th December
This sesshin is led by apprentice teacher Peter Bursky, with Jane Andino assisting, and held at the Annandale zendo.
When Gautama’s eyeball vanishes,
Plum blossoms in snow, just one branch,
Become thorn branches, here, everywhere, right now.
Laughing, spring wind blows madly.
(tr. Kaz Tanahashi)
Rohatsu celebrates the Buddha’s awakening. This moment outside of time is traditionally commemorated in time on December 8. At sesshin we commit ourselves in turn to the Buddha’s timeless path of practice and realisation.
Our five-day non-residential sesshin will be held at Sydney Zen Centre, 251 Young Street, Annandale, beginning Friday evening December 6 and running through lunchtime on Wednesday December 11.
Participants can choose to attend full-time or in specific blocks (early morning, morning, afternoon, evening) on specific days. This flexible structure is designed to accommodate the demands of peoples’ busy lives, particularly at this time of year.
The schedule includes zazen, walking meditation, sutra recitation, dokusan and teisho.
All participants are asked to attend Friday evening for the opening of sesshin, unless there are exceptional reasons not to.
Supper will be provided Saturday-Tuesday evenings, and breakfast on Saturday-Wednesday mornings.
Full Time: SZC member $430, Non-member $470
Part time: SZC member $22 per block, Non-member $26 per block
Rohatsu application form is an interactive pdf. Please fill out the blocks of sitting you wish to attend and send it to:
Diana Levy
Please return application form with full payment by November 29. Late applications create difficulties for planners.
SZC will hold 4 sesshins in 2025:
Autumn Sesshin at Kodoji, led by Subhana Barzaghi, roshi & apprentice teacher Peter Bursky
Saturday 19th April – Saturday 26th April (including Easter Monday)
Winter Sesshin at Annandale & Online, led by Jane Andino, roshi & apprentice teacher Peter Bursky
Friday 6th June – Wednesday 11th June (incl. Kings Birthday)
Spring Sesshin at Kodoji, led by Gillian Coote, with apprentice teacher Will Moon
Saturday 4th October – Saturday 11th October
Contact: Janet Selby
Rohatsu Sesshin at Annandale, led by Maggie Gluek, roshi (non-residential)
Wednesday 3rd December – Monday 8th December (Bodhi Day)