Women’s retreat at Kodoji

Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th March

This retreat is open to all women sitters who have meditation experience and is a wonderful opportunity to be together over a weekend with birds and trees and weather at our bush zendo, Kodoji. Some people drive up to the land on the Friday afternoon (7th).

The cost is $25 a night for SZC members and $30 a night for others (deposited into SZC bank account – details below). You can sleep on the verandah, or take a tent if you wish. There are a few beds upstairs in the cottage. We take food to share for the weekend and sleeping bags. We sit together, share together, walk and usually sing. A timetable is drawn up when we get there and jobs like meal making are allotted. Remember it can be hot in the day and cool at night so bring appropriate clothing.

Enquiries: Jill Steverson jillsteverson@gmail.com

Electronic funds transfer to:
BSB 062-182, Account No. 1013 7103
In the EFT description box give your surname followed by ‘WRetreat’


  Open Time Close Time Teacher Address
08/03/2025 8:00 AM 9:00 PM Women’s retreat at Kodoji
08/03/2025 8:00 AM 9:00 PM Women’s retreat at Kodoji
09/03/2025 8:00 AM 9:00 PM Women’s retreat at Kodoji
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM - with Women’s retreat at Kodoji - at
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM - with Women’s retreat at Kodoji - at
8:00 AM - 9:00 PM - with Women’s retreat at Kodoji - at