Buddha’s birthday & baby naming ceremony

Sunday 13th April
This is a family-friendly event when the birth of Siddhartha Gautama is celebrated in Zen sanghas around the world. After Gillian’s introductory words, we chant the Enmei Jikku Kannon Gyo as, one by one, children and adults approach our statue of the baby Buddha, pour water over him and offer a flower. Then we form a circle, sharing songs and stories and reflecting on what the birth of this baby in India over 4,500 years ago means to us.
Please arrive by 10.45 am with flowers and food to share for our potluck lunch around noon. And do let Janet Selby: janetselby@bigpond.com know if you intend to come, and whether you would like your child named and/or welcomed to our sangha, or if you have any questions. See you there!