Kodoji Samu

Autumn Samu – Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 April
Samu is a wonderful opportunity to extend your practice into your daily life, and an ancient way of giving something valuable back to the sangha through the generosity of your labour. It’s also a wonderful chance to spend some relaxed time together with your dharma buddies.
On the Saturday we will complete the many jobs necessary to prepare the buildings and grounds for Sesshin – the usual mix of cleaning, mowing, painting, repairs, bush care.
This is a big invitation to all sangha members to come along to this Samu weekend. We will need whipper snippers, electrical skills, painting hands, cleaning brushes and probably carpentry know how. Mostly we need everyone to come and join in for the great fun and pleasure of the weekend. Bring your partners, kids and dogs.
It will be a weekend of pot luck menus – so while snacks and biscuits are good, please try and bring a substantial plate of food to help extend the meals.
Some people will arrive on the Friday afternoon, others arrive on Saturday morning. We plan to leave after lunch on Sunday.
Contact: Brendon Stewart stewarts34@bigpond.com