Sydney Zen Centre is Australia’s original Zen Buddhist community. We are a lay community affiliated with the Diamond Sangha, which was founded by Robert Aitken Roshi who first visited Sydney in 1979 and then led annual sesshin (traditional Zen retreats) here for nearly a decade.
We recognise and pay respect to the Gadigal and Wangal people of the Eora nation, the traditional custodians of the land on which our city zendo sits.
We are a welcoming and inclusive sangha.
The Annandale zendo is open every Monday and Wednesday night for zazen. Wearing a mask for chanting and dokusan is mandatory. We also offer Zoom meditation sessions every second Monday night, every Thursday night and Tuesday morning. If you wish to come to the zendo or Zoom please contact
Once a month we have half day practice periods (zazenkai) at our city zendo. We also have retreats at our bush zendo, Kodoji, about two hours from Sydney.
If you’d like to learn more about Zen please visit our Newcomers page for information about joining us.
The Sydney Zen Centre also has a group that practises in the Blue Mountains. Please email to find out details of their zazen schedule:
Sydney Zen Centre is managed by a Board which is elected at the Annual General Meeting. The current Board is: Kerry Stewart (Chair), Zoe Thurner (secretary), Joe Gaebel (treasurer), Aeveen Kirby, Sean Loughman, Julie Robinson & William Verity.
Click here to view our Constitution.

Spring comes with flowers, autumn with the moon, summer with breeze, winter with snow.
When idle concerns don’t hang in your mind, that is your best season.
Wu-men Hui-k’ai (1183-1260)
Our Zendos
The Sydney Zen Centre has two zendos. Our city zendo in Annandale and Kodoji, Ancient Ground zendo at Gorricks Run, in the Upper Macdonald Valley north of Sydney.
Our city zendo is where we gather weekly for regular zazen, non residential retreats (sesshin) and special events. It’s located at 251 Young Street, Annandale.
Covid safety measures:
Please do not come to the zendo if you feel unwell, even if you have slight symptoms like a sore throat or lethargy
It is optional to wear a mask while sitting in zazen and at the teachers discretion when going to dokusan in the hojo.
Our bush zendo is nestled in a deep valley beneath the high sandstone cliffs of Yengo National Park. Kodoji is approximately two hours north west of Sydney, near the small town of St. Albans. The facilities include a cottage equipped with a kitchen, dormitory style sleeping quarters, bush showers and a magnificent dojo (meditation hall).
We have meditation retreats (sesshin) at Kodoji in Autumn and Spring.