Taking the Path of Zen: Robert Aitken, pub. North Point Press, San Francisco, 1982
The Mind of Clover: Essays in Zen Buddhist Ethics: Robert Aitken, pub. North Point Press, San Francisco, 1984
The Morning Star: New and Selected Writings: Robert Aitken, pub. Shoemaker Hoard, Washington DC, 2003
Zen Flesh, Zen Bones: edited Paul Reps, Doubleday, NY 1957
Everyday Zen – Love and Work: Charlotte Joko Beck, pub. Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1989
Nothing Special: Living Zen: Charlotte Joko Beck, pub. Harper San Francisco, 1993
The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching: Thich Nhat Hanh, pub. Parallax Press, 1998
World as Lover, World as Self: Joanna Macy, pub. Parallax Press, 1991
The Roaring Stream, A New Zen Reader: edited Nelson Foster and Jack Shoemaker, pub. The Ecco Press, 1996
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