Mind Moon Circle

Mind Moon Circle is a seasonal journal with pieces written and edited by Sydney Zen Centre members. It has been published for over 30 years. All copyright belongs to the authors, illustrators, artists, photographers and poets in the journal.

If you’re not a SZC member you can receive a digital or hard copy of Mind Moon Circle by paying an annual subscription fee of $30.
Please notify Kerry: stewartkerry4@gmail.com & Joe, the treasurer: joe.gaebel@gmail.com
Bank transfer to: BSB 062-182 Account No: 1013 7103 and put your last name and MMC as the description.

Winter 2024 – Homeland

Autumn 2024 – Allisgood One Word (Available online when the Autumn 2024 MMC is published)

Summer 2023/4 – Zen & Awe 

Spring 2023 – Friendship

Winter 2023 – Ancestors 

Autumn 2023 – Ceremony

Summer 2022/23 – Mountains and Rivers

Spring 2022 – Dreams and Visions 

Winter 2022 – Gardening the Way 

Autumn 2022 – Living and Dying 

Summer 2021/22 – Renewal 

Spring 2021 – Sorrow, Hope, Joy, Equanimity

Winter 2021 – Winter 

Autumn 2021 – Stillness and Motion 

Summer 2020/21 – Flowering 

Spring 2020 – The Middle Path 

Winter 2020 – Zen & Equality 

Autumn 2020 – Transitions

Summer 2019/20 – Fire 

Spring 2019 – Zen and Philosophy

Winter 2019 – Zen and Ageing 

Autumn 2019 – Walking Fearlessly into the Darkness

Summer 2018/19 – Selfless Service

Spring 2018 – Resonance

Late Autumn 2018 – Dear beginner

Summer 2017/18 – Humour

Spring 2017 – Home

Winter 2017 – Trees

Summer 2016/17 – Zen and the Way of the Heart

Spring 2016 – Rebirth

Winter 2016 –  Zen and the Shadow

Autumn 2016 – Sounds of Sangha

Summer 2015/16 – Sydney Zen Centre’s 40th Anniversary

Summer 2014 – On Death and Life

Spring 2014 – Zen and the Story

Winter 2014 – What Does Zen Mean to You

Autumn 2014 – On Desire

Spring 2013 – The Circle or Enzo

Autumn 2012 – Zen in China

Winter 2011 – Jukai and the Precepts

Autumn 2011 – Kodoji, Ancient Ground Temple

Winter 2009 – 50th Anniversary of the Diamond Sangha

Summer 2006 – Indigenous Sacred Law & the Dharma

Winter 2006 – Sesshin

Summer 2005 – A Void Dance

Winter 1991