
No Gate

‘The Great Way has no gate” is the beginning of Wu-Men’s verse from his preface to The Gateless Barrier. This talk explores the Preface and the Postscript of Wu-men’s great work. It also raises the deep questions of ‘Why am I at sesshin? What is the Barrier for me?’ This talk by Jane Andino, roshi, was the first teisho of

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Trust the Buddha, trust the practice, trust your intention to realise the Way. Youmade the decisionto come to sesshin. Trust yourself enough to honour that decision and commit anew to your practiceat the start of each period of zazen. Release anything extra in your body, mind and heart. Mu is the first koan in the collection called The Gateless Barrier,

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Zhaozhou’s “Wu”

A monk asked Zhaozhou, “Does the dog have Buddha nature, or not?” Zhaozhou said, “Wu.” Peter Bursky takes up Zhaozhou’s famous “Wu” (Mu) koan, diving into a scholarly take on its etymological beginnings and usage in Taoist thought & practice, whilst envisioning a freshened take on its endless depths through the ‘named’ and ‘nameless’ of Taoism.  This talk was given by

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The Koan Mu

Maggie Gluek, roshi, describes how old Chao Chou offers us a key to the gateless barrier, a word that is no word that opens the door to everything. And in which Wu Men with his long comment shines a light on the practice of Zen. Don’t go thinking you’ve heard this all before! This teisho was given on Day 1

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