Author Archive for: Kerry

One Treasure

Yu Men said, ” Within heaven and earth, there is one treasure hidden in a body.” This talk by Jane investigates who or what this one treasure may be, and how realising that treasure can bring a transformation to our lives. This talk was given by Jane Andino, roshi at the January zazenkai, 2023

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Working hard?

Who is the one working hard? Busy, busy, busy! Take out your broom and sweep the path clean. But beware being driven by a need to get things done or by the desire to get somewhere. In a playful exchange with his dharma buddy, Yunyan challenges us to remember that there is someone who does not work hard. That someone

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Wu Wei – Equanimity

Wu Wei is a Chinese Taoist expression that means ‘doing nothing’ or non-doing. Equanimity has strong associations with the spirit of Wu Wei. Wu Wei – non-doing has easily been misunderstood and falsely interpreted as a passive acceptance of life or resignation or literally sitting on the cushion and doing nothing. Wu Wei is an attitude and approach to meditation and life itself; it

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Let it go

 “Let it go” is almost a mantra in the dojo, where we are encouraged to abandon discursive thinking and return to our single point of practice. It’s instructive to consider the mental and emotional baggage you bring to zazen and thus discover that it is unnecessary. But what if you see the emptiness of phenomena? What if you and I

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Peaceful mind

Not a few of us come to practice to find peace of mind. Just so Huike, the protagonist of this story.  Let’s see how determination, faith and surrender help him in his quest and how Bodhidharma turns him upside down. It’s a dramatic tale and one that is foundational to the Zen tradition. This teisho was given by Maggie Gluek,

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What is Sangha?

This teisho, given at Jane’s Transmission ceremony, explores the origins and evolving nature of Sangha. With the help of some home-made koans, the talk also develops the theme that Sangha is not merely a means to get things done as a unit of organisation, but also presents the essential.  This teisho was given by Jane Andino at her Transmission ceremony

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What are Koans?

Senior student, Alladin Jones, gives us instructions about how to sit with a koan. Aitken roshi described them this way: “Koans are tiny doors that open to great vistas inviting us to wander through endless gardens. And they are the folk stories of Zen and like folk stories their expression is presentational rather than discursive. And they are poetic and

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