On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Tuesday mornings we offer seated meditation, or zazen as it is called in Zen Buddhism. We offer zazen at the Annandale zendo every...
On Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings and Tuesday mornings we offer seated meditation, or zazen as it is called in Zen Buddhism. We offer zazen at the Annandale zendo every...
Zazenkai is half a day of intensive zazen and a Dharma talk which provides an opportunity to deepen your practice. If you have not practised with us, please arrange an orientation before...
Dharma Cafe is an evening, on Monday and Wednesday at the zendo at Annandale, where we discuss questions about our daily lives. Every two months, on the full moon, you...
Spring Samu - Saturday 21 & Sunday 22 September Samu is a wonderful opportunity to extend your practice into your daily life, and an ancient way of giving something valuable...
Saturday 5th to Saturday 12th October (including Labour day on 7th October) SZC Spring sesshin will be led by Gillian Coote, roshi and apprentice teacher, Will Moon Spring comes with...
On the full moon we reflect on one of the ten Precepts we take up as Zen Buddhists. We discuss, for example, the Precept of not killing, or not indulging...
Sunday 20th October - Annandale zendo It’s a great opportunity to find out how we’ve been going over the last year and help plan for the future. Also, a reminder...
This year’s Memorial Ceremony will honour Sarah Walls, longtime sangha member and friend who died on June 1st. We’ll start at 10am with a period of zazen, then have a...
Friday 6th to Wednesday 11th December This sesshin is led by apprentice teacher Peter Bursky, with Jane Andino assisting, and held at the Annandale zendo. When Gautama’s eyeball vanishes, Plum...
Sunday 13th April This is a family-friendly event when the birth of Siddhartha Gautama is celebrated in Zen sanghas around the world. After Gillian’s introductory words, we chant the Enmei...
June 2 at Annandale Zendo There will be a talk by Brendon Stewart at 9.30am before we commence our jobs at about 10am. Feel free to come for as long...
Diana Levy, experienced Zen student and writer, would like to show you how to write a haiku on Sunday 21 July, our next zazenkai. sinking sun life gets unfunny birds...
Saturday This year's bushwalking zazenkai will be run over one day in the Blue Mountains National Park. Due to the cold and wet conditions we have been experiencing this year,...