
Zazenkai is half a day of intensive zazen and a Dharma talk which provides an opportunity to deepen your practice. If you have not practised with us, please arrange an orientation before attending a zazenkai.

Zazenkai can be an introduction to longer practice, and is a good preparation for sesshin (retreats) where we sit for multiple days.  When held at the zendo, Zazenkai is a rich practice format that includes a dharma talk given by a teacher or senior student, a sutra service, extended zazen and dokusan (interview with the teacher). Wearing a mask is optional in the dojo and at the discretion of the teacher for dokusan.

The Sydney Zen Centre relies on the financial support of its members and visitors.  If you are not a member and are attending the zendo for the zazenkai, the facility fee is $10. You can pay this direct to our bank account: BSB 062 182 Account number 1013 7103. Please tag the payment with your name and the letters “FF”.



January 21 – Annandale – Dharma talk and dokusan by Jane Andino, roshi

February 18 – Annandale – Dharma talk and dokusan by Gillian Coote, roshi

March 17  – Annandale – Dharma talk and dokusan by Maggie Gluek, roshi

April 14 – Annandale – Buddha’s birthday & Baby Naming Ceremony with Gillian Coote, roshi

May 19 – Annandale – Clay-zenkai 9.30am to 12pm
Be guided by Janet Selby in using clay as a mindfulness practice. We will make a small giving/receiving bowl at a cost basis $10, plus a suggested donation to SZC fundraising  $50 Contact Janet if you’re planning to come:

June 2 – Annandale – Samu at Annandale in lieu of zazenkai

July 21 – Annandale – Haiku writing workshop with Diana Levy – Haiku Ginko

constant cold drizzle
nasturtium leaf holds
just one drop

The haiku form was developed by Basho in seventeenth century Japan and since then these nature poems have spread to every language and culture. Poet Diana Levy will teach the form at the Annandale zendo, then lead a “slow down, observe, walk, write” ginko to the nearby park. This introductory workshop will finish with a collaborative reading to evoke the walk.

  • Sunday July 21, 9:30 am to 12 noon
  • $10 facility fee for non-SZC members
  • Register with Diana before COB 19/7/24

caryards in the rain
windscreen wipers keep up
a heartbeat

August 17Bushwalking day in Blue Moutains, led by apprentice teacher Will Moon

September 15 – Annandale – Dharma talk and dokusan by Maggie Gluek

October 20 –  AGM and potluck – replaces zazenkai – meeting starts at 10.30am (9-10am zazen) Potluck lunch

November 17 – Annandale – Dharma talk and dokusan by Paul Maloney, roshi

December 15 –  No zazenkai this month



  Open Time Close Time Teacher Address
15/09/2024 9:30 AM 12:00 PM Zazenkai 251 Young Street, Annandale
15/09/2024 9:30 AM 12:00 PM Zazenkai 251 Young Street, Annandale
17/11/2024 9:30 AM 12:00 PM Zazenkai 251 Young Street, Annandale
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM - with Zazenkai - at 251 Young Street, Annandale
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM - with Zazenkai - at 251 Young Street, Annandale
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM - with Zazenkai - at 251 Young Street, Annandale