Special Events

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Benefit Concert

Benefit Concert on Saturday 7th September 2024 Join us for an evening of song, music, poetry, rap, storytelling and comedy presented by members of the SZC and guest artist Harry...

Zen Roots workshop

Saturday 23 September 1pm to 4pm Paul Maloney, roshi is conducting a workshop exploring Zen Buddhist history, theory and practice. For several years Paul gave a comprehensive six-week course on...

David Loy Public Talk

Why Zen and a World in Crisis Need Each Other Friday 14 July 6-8pm Sydney Zen Centre, Annandale The mercy of the West has been social revolution. The mercy of...

Annual General Meeting

Sunday 19th October  - Annandale zendo It’s a great opportunity to find out how we’ve been going over the last year and help plan for the future. Also, a reminder...