Jane Andino

Every day is a good day

On my office wall hangs a scroll which inspires me each day, and which was given to me by my teacher Paul. The calligraphy says, ‘Every day is a good day’, a famous phrase of Yun-men. There is an enso below the calligraphy. This could be the fullness of the sun of every day; it could be the completeness of

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The Wayfarer

‘No-gate is the gate of liberation; no-mind is the mind of the wayfarer’. These are the words of Hsuan-sha, quoted by Wu-men in his postscript to the Wu-Men Kuan. This talk explores the path of the wayfarer, the path of freedom. This talk was given by Jane Andino, roshi on Day 2 of Winter sesshin at the SZC Annandale zendo.

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No Gate

‘The Great Way has no gate” is the beginning of Wu-Men’s verse from his preface to The Gateless Barrier. This talk explores the Preface and the Postscript of Wu-men’s great work. It also raises the deep questions of ‘Why am I at sesshin? What is the Barrier for me?’ This talk by Jane Andino, roshi, was the first teisho of

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Hakuin Zenji

Hakuin Zenji is credited with revitalising the Rinzai (Linji) tradition in 18thcentury Japan. In this talk, Jane looks at aspects of Hakuin’s life which serve as a reflection on our modern-day Zen practice. She explores Hakuin’s art and calligraphy as teaching, and his efforts to transform Zen from a quietist practice to one of vigour, with emphasis on koan study.

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One Treasure

Yu Men said, ” Within heaven and earth, there is one treasure hidden in a body.” This talk by Jane investigates who or what this one treasure may be, and how realising that treasure can bring a transformation to our lives. This talk was given by Jane Andino, roshi at the January zazenkai, 2023

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