Will Moon

Losing Control?

This teisho explores how being present in the here and now better enables us to cope and to respond in a world with increasing conflict and increasing ecological collapse, where we can feel like we have less and less control and where there feels like great uncertainty. The teisho discusses how to live well in today’sworld by responding from our

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Having Problems?

Will explores our relationship between our problems and our practice, and our attitude to our problems. This teisho draws upon several koan examples that involve problems and our approach to our practice. This includes… The Iron Flute case 33: ‘Yueh Shan solves the monk’s problem’ Blue Cliff Record case 6: ‘Every day is a good day’ Gateless Barrier, case 30:

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Can do it, Can’t do it

As students of the way, if we are serious about awakening to our true nature, or Buddha nature, we need to believe that from the beginning we are Buddhas and the realisation of our true nature is our birth right. The following is a koan called ‘Nan-chuan’s Stone Buddha’, and it is case 3 from the Iron Flute collection of

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Where did you go?

Last February Will and his family began their journey to the Kimberley, after an internet search back in 2022 revealed a job advertised in Derby. There was a sort of half-hearted application for the job but when the phone call came that offered it, there was, strangely, absolutely no doubt he should accept.It is mysterious how our life unfolds.We step

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What is progress?

A monk says to Jingqing, “I am pecking from the inside, I beg you master, please peck from the outside”. Jingqing says, “But will you be alive?” This quote appears in the Blue Cliff Record, Case 16. The monk then says, “I am vigorously working this way, if I were not alive, I would be laughed at”. Jingqing responds, “You

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Seamless Tomb

Emperor Su Tsung asked the National Teacher Hui Chung, “After you die, whatwill you need?” The National Teacher said, “Build a seamless tomb for me”. The Emperorasked, “please tell me master, what does this tomb look like?” The National teacher remained silent for a long time and then asked, “do you understand?” The Emperorsaid, “I dontunderstand”. The dialogue continues. The

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What is not a mistake?

Today I’m sitting at home feeling quite fatigued. My partner and daughter Lily both have Covid and I potentially have it. Apart from tiredness and the occasional cough, we are all doing ok. I’m feeling a great sense of gratitude to all those scientists, researchers and all the other people that worked so hard in a short amount of time

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Just this, just this

Daily routines don’t always follow a predictable schedule. Though if we can stick to some sort of schedule where we can fit in our daily practice it certainly makes it easier. I’ve been contemplating how to integrate practice into daily life when there is no routine or schedule. Plenty of zen practitioners encounter this aspect of how to practise when

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