Subhana Barzaghi

Birth & Death

Beginnings and endings herald in the New Year. It’s already the 4th of January, as I write this, and summer rolls on into heatwaves, punctuated with relief from evening storms. How do we meet beginnings and endings – birth and death, renewal and decline, cycles that are never ending? Transience is stamped and woven into the very cellular fabric of

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Heart Sutra

The Heart Sutra is the essence of the wisdom teachings of liberation. It is a summary of the Buddha’s awakening experience under the Bodhi Tree. This dharma talk explores and clarify the wonderful yet highly misunderstood teachings of emptiness. Empty of what? Emptiness does not mean annihilation or nihilism or that you do not exist. After investigating all 5 skandhas / aggregates –

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Ocean of Interbeing

The ocean of inter-being is our true nature. Subhana explores how we can embody the wonder and joy of Indra’s Web of interconnectedness and can enlarge our vision to see our shared world more spaciously and more compassionately. Can you see a cloud in your cup of tea? The present moment is an open field of benefaction. Our interpersonal and relational field and

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The Fullness of Emptiness

The Heart Sutra is the essence of the wisdom teachings of liberation. It is a summary of the Buddha’s awakening experience under the Bodhi Tree. In this dharma talk Subhana explores and clarifies the wonderful yet highly misunderstood teachings of emptiness. Empty of what? Emptiness does not mean annihilation or nihilism or that you do not exist. After investigating all 5 skandhas / aggregates –

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The Way Practices Us

On the great road of Buddha ancestors there is always unsurpassable practice, continuous and sustained. It forms the circle of the way and is never cut off. Between aspiration, practice-enlightenment, and nirvana, there is not a moment’s gap. Continuous practice is the circle of the way. —Eihei Dogen As we herald in the New Year, we kick start our practice

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Stone Woman

Dogen’s metaphor of Stone Woman giving birth to a child by night encapsulates the wisdom of seeing into the empty nature of the ‘self’ and all hence all phenomenal things.  This realisation opens out to the way of true intimacy of interconnectedness with the 10,000 things of the world.  The awakening to the interpenetration of emptiness and form emerges through

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Silent Illumination

Subhana gives meditation instructions for Silent Illumination, also known as Just Sitting or Shikantaza.  Zen master’s Hongzhi illuminated Silent Illumination as both method and realisation of mind.  She gives a guided meditation of 15 mins, sitting in open expansive spacious awareness and letting go of identification with body and mind.  This talk was given by Subhana Barzaghi at Autumn sesshin

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The Way of Love

Subhana explores what sprinkling Holy Water on the Dragon’s Tail might mean. The Christian legend of Martha and the Dragon reveals a beautiful teaching of cultivating compassion to those parts that we don’t like; pain, jealousy, judgemental reactivity and old unworthy beliefs the “dragon” parts of ourselves.   Instead of slaying the dragon or hating ourselves, we offer it compassion and

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Wu Wei – Equanimity

Wu Wei is a Chinese Taoist expression that means ‘doing nothing’ or non-doing. Equanimity has strong associations with the spirit of Wu Wei. Wu Wei – non-doing has easily been misunderstood and falsely interpreted as a passive acceptance of life or resignation or literally sitting on the cushion and doing nothing. Wu Wei is an attitude and approach to meditation and life itself; it

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