Jane Andino

True World

Jane Andino delves into the inner layers of a story where a monk encounters a nun Shih-chi or True World. Jane unpacks the exchange between these two people and looks at what the word ‘true’ might mean for us. She also comments on the paramita of aspiration. This story is told in Case 3 of the Wu-men Kuan. This teisho

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Save a Star

Jane Andino discusses Torei Zenji’s Bodhisattva’s Vow in the context of climate change and space junk. How do we realise for ourselves that all forms are the ‘sacred forms of the Tathagata’s never-failing essence’? This talk was given on day 3 at Rohatsu sesshin 2019

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The Buddha Way

Jane Andino explores the term ‘The Buddha Way’ and what it means to embody it. She also looks at koan study as a practice method. This talk was given on day 2 of the Rohatsu sesshin 2019

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