
Peaceful mind

Not a few of us come to practice to find peace of mind. Just so Huike, the protagonist of this story.  Let’s see how determination, faith and surrender help him in his quest and how Bodhidharma turns him upside down. It’s a dramatic tale and one that is foundational to the Zen tradition. This teisho was given by Maggie Gluek,

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What are Koans?

Senior student, Alladin Jones, gives us instructions about how to sit with a koan. Aitken roshi described them this way: “Koans are tiny doors that open to great vistas inviting us to wander through endless gardens. And they are the folk stories of Zen and like folk stories their expression is presentational rather than discursive. And they are poetic and

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Cultivating the Empty Field

Subhana explores the deep and profound teachings of ‘emptiness’ the selfless dimension or the self-forgotten and its misunderstandings.  What does it mean to cultivate that which is already our inherent true nature, which cannot be cultivated, yet it can be realised.  This Dharma talk inquires into the aspects of the liberated nature of mind: of infinite space, unification of mind and body,

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Seamless Tomb

Emperor Su Tsung asked the National Teacher Hui Chung, “After you die, whatwill you need?” The National Teacher said, “Build a seamless tomb for me”. The Emperorasked, “please tell me master, what does this tomb look like?” The National teacher remained silent for a long time and then asked, “do you understand?” The Emperorsaid, “I dontunderstand”. The dialogue continues. The

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Save a Ghost

In our Miscellaneous Koan collection there is a koan that asks us to “Save a ghost”. It offers us a rich contemplation on the nature of salvation, and what manifesting that salvation for others looks like. The great vow of saving the many beings means bringing forth our practice, which in turn means actualising the Bodhisattva path and responding to

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All Things Pass Quickly Away

These words are dedicated to Tony, who fully lived his wild and precious life with generosity and love, until June 20 this year. The disease Tony had, MND, is known as the One Thousand Day Disease, but we didn’t know this when he was diagnosed. We knew the disease was a muscle thief, and grieved when his hands seized up,

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Poisonous Snake

Peter Bursky explores ‘Qinglin’s Poisonous Snake’, Case 59 of the Book Of Serenity In this talk we meet a couple snakes on the road in the form of a monk and Ch’ing-lin Shih-ch’ien. Their dialogue explores the shape shifting nature our practice takes when we embody the endless dance of form and emptiness. Knowing that everything is empty is fine, but unless

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